Latest: Time to Talk Day
Time to Talk Day is the day to get us all talking about mental health.

Published on 28 Jan 2021

Breakdowns – Let’s take a look at some of the common reasons
Vehicle breakdowns can occur literally on any day of the week, or hour of the day to any owner of any car. Of course, there is never a good time to have a breakdown, but we share some of the most common reasons for a breakdown and what you can do in some cases, to prevent them.

Published on 25 Jun 2020

National Stress Awareness Month - April

We all know what it’s like to feel stressed - being under pressure is a normal part of life. But becoming overwhelmed by stress can lead to mental health problems or make existing problems worse.

Published on 26 Mar 2020

How Police Mutual is supporting you during the coronavirus pandemic

We have been considering the increasing concern surrounding coronavirus COVID-19, and we want to assure you that Police Mutual is committed to maintaining our high service standards for you, through all our teams around the country.

Published on 19 Mar 2020

International Day of Happiness – 20 March

March 20 is the International Day of Happiness and this year's theme is Happier Together, focusing on what we have in common, rather than what divides us. Since 2012 this day’s aim is ‘To promote happiness as a universal goal and aspiration in the lives of human beings around the world’.

Published on 27 Feb 2020

Time to talk, time to change - Putting an end to mental health discrimination

We know that talking about mental health can feel awkward, but it doesn't have to.  Mental health problems affect one in four of us, yet many people can feel isolated, ashamed and worthless because of this. Time to Talk Day encourages everyone to be more open about mental health – to talk, to listen, to change lives. 

Published on 31 Jan 2020

Blue Monday – 20 January 2020

‘Blue Monday’ is said to fall on the third Monday of January every year. It is considered to be the most depressing day of the year, factors including the weather, debt, the time elapsed since Christmas, and unsuccessful New Year’s resolutions all cause this date to be regarded as the most depressing day of the year.

Published on 30 Jan 2020

Get your budget back on track this January
January is the usually the month when you understand just how much Christmas has cost you. If you’ve a hefty credit card bill heading your way here are a few helpful ways you can cushion the blow.

Published on 03 Jan 2020

Don’t let Christmas become a financial nightmare

Whilst we would all hope that after Christmas last year we would have had the sense to have started saving a little bit each week towards the festivities this year, in the real world that often doesn’t happen.  Unexpected expenses, reduced income or just no time to plan means we often face Christmas with little or no savings.

Published on 21 Nov 2019

Talk Money Week – 18 - 22 November

Worrying about money can negatively affect your mental health and for those people experiencing mental health problems it makes it harder to manage their finances.  Problem debt can also be linked to suicide.

Published on 18 Nov 2019

The first Wednesday in November each year is National Stress Awareness Day

We all know what it’s like to feel stressed - being under pressure is a normal part of life. But becoming overwhelmed by stress can lead to mental health problems or make existing problems worse.

Published on 04 Nov 2019

Mental Health Awareness Day

Mental health problems can affect anyone, any day of the year, but as today is mental health awareness day, it is a great day to look after your own wellbeing and show support to others.

Published on 10 Oct 2019

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